
Action Hook v4 Hook EventsCalendar Since 4.3.0

Allows displaying any output after the event title in day view.



(object) The event object

You need to have a working knowledge of Hooks before you get started.

Boilerplate Code

Use the boilerplate code to start using the filter, and add your own logic to modify the first argument and return it.

FWDHook::addAction('eventscalendar:day_view.after_title', function($event) 
  // Execute action or echo output
Development & Support
Customizations are not included with support. We provide this information to make it easier for developers to extend the functionality. From time to time we may have some availability for custom work. Get in touch to see if there's an opportunity to work together.


Add the value of a custom field after the event title

FWDHook::addAction('eventscalendar:day_view.after_title', function($event) {
  	// Retrieve the selected jr_city custom field value for the event
    $city = $event->event->getSelectedText('jr_city');

    echo $city;

}, $priority = 20, $arguments = 1);


  • /eventscalendar/resources/views/site/components/event-day-view.blade.php