YOOtheme Pro

Create custom layouts for JReviews pages with the addon for YOOTheme Pro.


The combination of the YOOTheme Pro page builder and JReviews provides unlimited possibilities for creating beautiful functional templates for your site.

Listing Detail Template

Shown below is a simple layout that uses:

  • JReviews custom button elements for add to favorite and send inquiry
  • Slideshow element with the JReviews multiple items photos source
  • Description list element with the JReviews multiple items custom fields source for several field groups.
  • JReviews listing map custom element

YOOTheme template using<br />
JReviews sources and custom elements
YOOTheme template using
JReviews sources and custom elements


In addition to the JReviews addon, you need to install YOOTheme Pro to be able to create custom layouts using their page builder.

At this time the addon is only available for JReviews v5 in the Professional and Developer plans.

Dynamic Sources

When you install the add-on you'll inmediately see enhanced dynamic sources for Joomla Articles and WordPress posts. The extended fields for JReviews include:

JReviews integration as YOOTheme Pro Dynamic Source
JReviews integration as YOOTheme Pro Dynamic Source

JReviews Custom Fields

Place fields anywhere you want and display the JReviews generated output, which includes any custom output you've created using the output format and php formatting settings.

Fields can be included using single source elements, and JReviews also makes fields as multiple item sources allowing you to easily diplay all fields, or fields in a specific group, using a list element.

Fields and Media Multiple Items Source
Fields and Media Multiple Items Source

JReviews Media

Use fields for Main Image, Cover, Logo to place these images in your templates. You also have access to the individual media counts.

Media is also available as a multiple items source, which allows retrieving each media type to use in elements that support multiple values like galleries, grids and tables.

JReviews Extras

Extras include things like listing featured state, user rating and count, editor rating and count, and if you are using MapsPro you can easily add a the listing map using a field.

JReviews Actions

Actions allow you to create buttons or links to management activities like edit listing, add media and edit media, which automatically display only for users with the right permissions.

Custom Elements

At this time the following custom elements are available for JReviews listings. These elements allow you to add buttons in your layouts that implement the corresponding JReviews functionality. In the case of the Listing Map element, you'll be able to add the listing map powered by MapsPro anywhere in your layouts.

JReviews Listing Elements for YOOtheme Pro
JReviews Listing Elements for YOOtheme Pro

  • Add Favorite
  • Claim Listing
  • Compare Listing
  • Display Rating
  • Send Inquiry
  • Listing Map (MapsPro)


Please note that at this time the add-on functionility is limited to sources and the elements listed above because de-coupling all the functionlity in JReviews to be used as blocks requires a major effort. Further development will continue over time.

One thing that's notably missing at this time is the ability to use the review system when creating a custom listing layout because there aren't any elements available to display a listing's reviews or to submit reviews.