Conditionals Based on User Authentication


Sometimes you may want to write a condition to show or hide content based on user authentication information. JReviews has an authentication service made available in templates through the $this->auth variable.

Below you'll find a few examples of how this can be used in templates, and of course you can mix and match at your discretion.

Visible to Guests

<?php if ($this->auth->guest): ?>
Visible content
<?php endif;?>

Visible to Admin

<?php if ($this->auth->admin): ?>
Visible content
<?php endif;?>

Visible to Logged In User

<?php if ($this->auth->connected): ?>
Visible content
<?php endif;?>

Visible to User Groups

<?php if ($this->auth->belongsToGroups([1,2,3])) :?>
Visible content for users in user group IDs 1, 2 and 3
<?php endif;?>

Or you can show for users that don't below to a group:

<?php if ($this->auth->notBelongsToGroups([1,2,3])) :?>
Visible content for users not in user groups IDs 1, 2 or 3
<?php endif;?>

Visible to Listing Owner

<?php if ($listing['User']['user_id'] == $this->auth->id): ?>
Content visible to listing owner
<?php endif; ?>