Advanced Search Page

A no-nonsense dedicated search page that allows searching by keywords, scope, query type, listing type, categories and custom fields.

Getting Started

Creating the advanced search page is a required step for all JReviews sites, because this page's URL is used to anchor all search result pages. The initial setup page has a section on creating menus that also includes a short video showing how to create the Advanced Search page.

In addition to having a generic Advanced Search page, you can create more copies of this page with specific listing types pre-selected in the menu settings. This will automatically load the custom fields for the listing type on the page without requiring the user to first select a listing type.

Advanced search page
Advanced search page

The advanced search page is supposed to be plug-and-play, so it doesn't offer many customization options, other than the ability of choosing which custom fields to show in the form.

For customizable search form, you can use the advanced search and advanced filtering Joomla module and WordPress widget.

Displaying Custom Fields

When a custom field is created, it is automatically enabled for search and shown in the advanced search page. You can exclude fields from search, and hide them from the form, by toggling the search column for individual custom fields in the Fields Manager.